

Is it better to TEXT or to CALL? What do you say when you text? Is texting a waste of time?
The purpose of texting is to ensure that you are always on her radar.
This article will give you three secrets of texting and how you can improve your text game
Women have a lot of options. These options, in the form of male pursuers, ensure that she will be in
constant communication with members of the opposite sex. Men chase women. You are not the only
one pursuing her.
Texting is important because you want to be one of the men she talks to on a regular basis to ensure
that you are always staying on her “radar”. The plethora of options that an attractive woman has can
work against you; even if you do nothing wrong.
Let’s say you meet Haley on Friday night. Haley is an attractive, intelligent, quality woman. You and
Haley really connect; you get along with complete ease throughout your entire interaction.
An exchange of numbers happens with your departure from each other. A date is set for next
Thursday; both you and Haley have busy lives.
The weekend flies by and you get busy with work. Wednesday rolls around and you decide that
you’re going to call to confirm your date with Haley. You guys had a great time on Friday, right? You
call Haley and she doesn’t answer. “Hmm, that’s weird.”
A day passes and you find yourself dialing Haley’s number again on Thursday to confirm your date.
Again, you’re sent to voicemail. This pattern continues until you give up on the possibility of meeting
up with Haley.

So what happened!?

In that time period between Friday and Wednesday, how many guys do you think Haley talked to?
Being attractive and intelligent, one would be sure in stating that Haley consistently has men chasing
her. That time that you weren’t talking to her, there are guys that were.
Your connection with Haley died out not because you did anything wrong… but because you didn’t
do anything at all.

Texting is a great way to make sure you stay on her radar. Taking the time to respond to your texts
ensures she thinks about you, allowing her to remember the reason why she liked you in the first
Texting is a low–investment form of communication for those of you who live busy lifestyles and
can’t afford to be calling, to talk about nothing. This low–investment form of communication also
elicits more of a female response than calling, when talking to a stranger. Women love to text. So
should you.

Following these three simple tips when first learning to create interesting text threads will improve
your text game exponentially.

1. Make sure your level of investment always matches or is lower than hers.
What does this mean? You text her and she takes five minutes to respond, take five minutes or
longer. She writes you a two word response to your paragraph; shorten the length of your
responses. WHY?!
Responding instantly to her texts sub-communicates neediness; un-attractive. This tells her (on a
sub-conscious level) that you have nothing better to be doing with her time, so you are waiting for
her response.
When you respond with a paragraph to her one – line responses this sub-communicates a need for
rapport (conversation). This tells her (on a sub-conscious level) that you want to talk to her more
than she wants to talk to you; un-attractive.

2. Avoid boring subjects; ensuring content is always light and flirty. Don’t drag on the same
topic for a prolonged amount of time.
Don’t talk about the weather, or “how she is”, talk about topics that spark interest; topics out of the
ordinary. These include random, funny things that happen throughout your day, or talking about
something that sparks curiosity. The content doesn’t have to make sense; it just has to be
interesting. WHY?!
Men who are romantically interested in the girl you are pursing are texting them all day. For the most
part, these men are all stupid. They think their cookie cutter subjects are “original”, when really their
“originality” casts them into the countless pool of boring men vying for the woman’s attention.
Separating yourself from these men is talking about your topics of interest, maintaining a light sense
of humor and certain aloofness. She will appreciate your creativity. The conversation doesn’t have to
make sense as long as it’s interesting.

3. Make statements, not questions.
Don’t ask her “how she is”, “what she is up to”, “how her day is”. Make statements instead of
questions. “I bet you’re having an awesome day,”, “I think you’re up to no good,”, “My day can beat
up your day.”
Why is it important to not ask questions?
Every dude she texts asks her these questions. Think of conversations you have on Facebook. What
do you generally say when someone asks you “What’s up?” you probably have the same, generic
response “Nm, you?”
Successful text game comes from creating interesting conversation. Separate yourself from the rest
of the pack by making statements instead of asking questions. This sub-communicates that you do
not need rapport, but you are interesting in talking to her (by the response alone).
There you have it. These three tips will help you improve your text game immediately when you
apply them. These rules are not set in stone, and as your text game improves you will begin to know
when to break them in order to create interesting conversation.
The goal of text game is to create interesting conversation; applying these three tips will give you the
basic understanding of how to do so, on your own, over time.

Outcome in Mind
Have a goal in mind for your interesting conversation. Is your intention to create more of a
connection with this girl? If so, lead the conversation in a direction where you two talk about your
lives. Is your goal to get this girl on a date? If so, text her for a bit to create that investment and
ensure you are on her “radar” when you call her to set up the date.
The last important note on text game is to never go for the date over text. If you are serious about
hanging out with the girl, you will take the time to call her. In order to set up the date, make sure you
are staying on her radar by texting her once in awhile.
Always text at least a day before you call. Make sure she remembers why she liked you, so she will
answer the phone when you call.

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