

Now that you’ve seen a specific woman you like. It’s time to open. The opener is quite simply the
first words that come out of your mouth. Most guys leave this to chance; they rely on luck or hope.
Here, you will learn what to say to a woman upon the approach and then what to say just afterward
to transition smoothly into an interaction that feels natural and unforced.
The opener is the first real thing you say during an interaction, once you’ve taken the stage with your
pre-opener. The best openers make your audience laugh, make you look cool, and are much more
interesting than whatever the girls were discussing before you came along. There are various types
of openers:

An indirect opener is one that doesn’t immediately convey your interest in her and doesn’t put much
pressure into the interaction. If you say, “You’re hot and I want you,” that’s very direct and puts a lot
of pressure on her; if you say, “When does it get busy here?” there’s no pressure.

-Opinion openers, a subcategory of indirect openers, are the easiest way for a newbie to start a
conversation in a quiet club or bar. They’re good in that they can get a long conversation started
pretty easily. A well-crafted opinion opener can guarantee you a few minutes of conversation in
which to make a connection.

You have to believe in what you say and put yourself on the line. You have to have complete
authority. If there’s even a hint of weakness and the girl picks up on it, the opener will fall flat. When
you have confidence from your success with other openers, or if you’re confident because you can
tell the girl is attracted to you, bring out the direct opener and it’ll be fantastic. You will receive super-
fast results and women will think you’re incredible because of your boldness. With a direct opener, if
she doesn’t respond negatively, take the direct route and escalate quickly.

When you find yourself spontaneously using situational openers, you know you have them down.
This means you’re well on the path to becoming a true natural.
A situational opener involves taking something about the current situation and using that to start the
interaction. It could be noticing something about the woman you’re approaching; Usually, it’s noticing
something about the environment and posing the first question that comes to mind: “How can they
eat ice cream in the winter?” “Would you wear that?” The way to become comfortable being as
natural as possible is to get used to saying whatever comes into your head, without delay or

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