

What is the biggest “key” factor when it comes to approaching and attracting beautiful women? Is it
looks? Nope. Is it income? No. Is it age? Not even close. The biggest factor there is without a doubt
is Communication.
It gets a lot crazier than that, however. Communication, of course, is how we talk to other people,
right? But what would you say if I told you that 90% of our day-to-day communication is done in a
way where you don’t have to speak at all?
That’s right. The majority of what we communicate doesn’t even come from our mouths!
This 90% of communication is called body language. Even when we aren’t talking, we are always
sending off these ‘signals' that other people, women especially, pick up subconsciously.
The greatest thing about modifying your body language is that the results are almost instant. From
the moment you start using them you start feeling better about yourself and people will be more
likely to approach you.
The other great thing about body language is the changes are small and subtle, but they can be
tricky to use all the time but through effort and practice, you WILL become natural.
Let’s talk about the 5 body language secrets that I personally use to help me attract women:

✔MOVEMENT – Nervous guys are always fidgety and jerky. Confident men who are successful
with women make very controlled movements. They walk slowly and only make controlled
movements. You will never see a confident man with restless leg syndrome or fidgeting with his
fingers. By slowing down your movement you are presenting to the rest of the world a more
“comfortable” version of yourself and it makes you that much more approach-friendly.

✔Lean Back and Relax – When you are sitting up or in any sort of position that isn’t standing up,
lay back and relax. Let your arms hang down at your sides, and make yourself as comfortable as
you possibly can. Shy guys have a tendency of “shielding” themselves from other people by sitting
forward with their arms folded. Don’t do this as it makes you look closed off. Relax!

✔Be Spacious – In any situation, always take up as much space as possible. If you’re sitting in a
lobby, sort of lean back and kick your legs out. This is a “territorial” thing that all people notice
subconsciously. If people see you taking up this space they will automatically assume you to be the
alpha in the room and that you are the one who is the most laid back and fun!

✔Be Calm and Indifferent – You never want to show too much emotion at any given time, this
makes you seem as if you aren’t in control of your life or your situation.

✔Tonality – While this is technically “speaking” it’s more body language than anything else. If you
talk fast, slow down! People who talk fast are usually left in the dust because they talk too fast for
people to comprehend

✔Are embarrassing to talk to. Talking slower allows you to be more in control of what you say, it
also stops you from making embarrassing mistakes such as stuttering which is a MASSIVE sign of
being nervous!
If you can master each one of those body language principles then you will be in a completely
different league with women than anyone you know.

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PuaAcademy CEO

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