

How to challenge women that generates attraction

I want to share with you a powerful method for generating ATTRACTION…

… A method women naturally use on men.

One day, I met this girl who said she’s one of the most conservative girls that I will ever meet. But nonetheless, I never cared about that. I concentrated on being fun and adventurous, teaching her new and exciting things she would never thought she’d do. Until she had no choice but to get suck to my reality. So at first it created conflict in her beliefs.And in moments she would choose her reality, I was totally gone. That created a tension in her, finally releasing it through hmmm just to keep me and the adventure she’s longing for.

Oftentimes, when you challenge a person to live up to your standards, it sparks a “tension loop” inside their body. In a nutshell, a tension loop is unresolved emotional tension.

Within the context of dating and attraction, this unresolved tension becomes sexualized.

The only way to bring resolution to this tension is for them to live up to the challenge.

How can we use this to attract women?

About a year ago I came up with a powerful method I call Qualifying and Challenging that exploits this psychological truth…. but in a way that doesn’t hurt or damage women. I explained this in my Book.

The first step is to do something that might be a bit counter intuitive: Develop 3 really high standards besides looks a woman must live up to. These standards are your qualifiers.

Most guys are taught that if they wanna up their chances of getting a girl (or girls) they should lover their standards.

Bad advice.

In fact… the opposite is true. The higher your standards, the better you’ll do with women.

Your standards or qualifiers should relate to what you want her to do.

If you’re looking for a girlfriend or wife, develop standards for a girlfriend or wife.

If you want a sex kitten, develop sex kitten qualifiers.

For example, back when I started developing my standards, I wanted to have sex with girls ASAP.

So my qualifiers were: adventurism, spontaneity, and sexual exhibitionism.

Step 2: When talking to them, convey that you are unwilling to compromise these standards.

Step 3: Challenge them to live up to your standards.

Communicate that if they fall short of your standards – even if they’re drop dead gorgeous – you’re willing to walk away.

Let me give you an abridged example of how I use this (If you want the full word-for-word version, check out my book Smooth Seduction.

At a certain point in my interaction with a woman I tell her that I only date adventurous and spontaneous girls. And if she isn’t adventurous and spontaneous she probably can’t handle me.

Once she qualifies that she is, I grab her hands and say: “If you were in kissing school, how would your kissing teacher grade your kissing skills?”

Women almost always respond with: “I would get an A+.”

Next I put my hands around her sacrum, pull her close to me and say, “Let’s find out.”

Qualifying & Challenging creates an emotional state.

When you let a woman know that if she doesn’t live up to your standards, you’ll reject her, you spark unresolved tension in her body. She feels an emotional need for your validation and approval.

The only way for her to release this tension is to live up to your challenges.

But to make this work, you need an ironclad belief system. Without that, Qualifying & Challenging won’t work.

Plus… you need to know the specific time to use Qualifying & Challenging. Use it at the right time and psychological magic happens. Use it at the wrong time and it’ll put your penis on life support.

Inside my Transformation of Chodamon DVD Set, I’ll spoon feed you the tools for developing a powerhouse belief system, teach you when to use Qualifying & Challenging, and reveal the full word-for-word Qualifying & Challenging sequence for making out with a girl within three minutes.

Plus, you’ll get a full blown dating and attraction education that takes you from the approach to the bedroom and beyond.

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