

Once you tried the first article (Arcticle 1 Approaching), here are a couple of different things you can try:

1. Approach beautiful women who are in groups with men in them or what we call MIXED GROUP. You’ll vary your openers a bit when there are men in the group, and we explain exactly how in Transformation of Chodamon DVD Set. Ill give you quick tips: primarily address the men, not the women of the group; stay away from overly relationship-based topics, and initially adopt a somewhat dismissive attitude toward the women in the group. You definitely should be approaching mixed groups. Mixed groups are more likely to lead to going home with a woman that night than all-female groups.

2. Watch for “AI” Approach Invitation. A woman who makes eye contact with you more than once will usually want you to approach. A woman who “accidentally” bumps into you may want you to approach. A woman or group of women who stand a few feet away from you for no immediately obvious reason may want you to approach.

3. Encourage women to approach you. The best way to do this is to appear to be a high-energy person surrounded by other interesting people. Have one interesting item on you that other people can ask about. Maybe it’s an unusual piece of clothing. Maybe it’s a musical instrument. Maybe it’s a travel guide to Boracay. Most women don’t like approaching any more than you do, and if you don’t make it easy for them, by giving them an excuse to talk to you, then you’ll miss out on some women who would otherwise meet you.

4. Don’t look like a shark in hunting season, constantly scanning around for women to approach. Relax and have fun where you are. When you happen to notice someone, approach them (right away – remember the 3-second rule). If you are wandering around alone, looking for women to approach, they will notice, and your task will become much harder.

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