
A 1 day real world training that teaches you the basics of getting a girlfriend, a wife or even a woman you can express your sexuality with. The country’s top dating coaches will help you understand the concepts and theories behind getting women attracted, comfortable, sexual and staying with you. After all the talk, you go out intothe world with the coaches and apply it right away and see immediate results.

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How badly do you want BEAUTIFUL WOMEN in your life? Are you ready to date the HOTTEST WOMAN in your college/office? How badly do you want to rise above the 99% mediocre people and achieve SUCCESS with WOMEN?

So this 2017 we had decided to reach out as many people as we can in different cities in the Philippines

SUPERCAMP is an exclusive event held by the eminently experienced PUA Academy instructors.

AIM: To teach under-confident guys on how to APPROACH WOMEN, build RELATIONSHIPS, date BEAUTIFUL GIRLS and how to develop boss level SOCIAL BONDING with gorgeous women and people in general.

We have trained HUNDREDS of men in the PHILIPPINES & ASIA over 8 years to on how to have abundance of WOMEN and AWESOME people in their life.

• 1 Day and Night event where PUA Academy instructors teach you STEP by STEP PROCESS to date multiple women
• All the PICKUP Concepts (Top to Bottom) laid down in a SIMPLIFIED manner
• In-field videos of our instructors doing the same
• FREE EBook by Smooth : Founder & CEO of PUA Academy
• 1 Hour FREE Session with our PUA Instructors
• All the MODULES & EXERCISES to help you approach and game WOMEN
• Day long Q & A Session to clear all your doubts and queries about APPROACHING, DATING and KEEPING WOMEN

SUPERCAMP develops your CORE and FOUNDATION when it comes to be CONFIDENT around beautiful women.

• How to several APPROACH girls in different settings? (In College, office, on the street, in a bar, club etc.)
• How to GET OVER the FEAR that stops you from talking to girls
• How to enhance your RELATIONSHIPS with GIRLS and people in general
• How to be CONFIDENT around WOMEN no matter how HOT or SEXY they are
• How to develop LEADERSHIP qualities around WOMEN
If you want that APPROACHING GIRLS and DATING ELEGANT WOMEN should become your 2nd nature,
SUPERCAMP can be your 1st step towards that GOAL.