

Everything we do at PUA ACADEMY is based on the REAL WORLD, not just theory or based on
magazines. And one thing that happens is the real world is that men see a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN
and then freeze out.
It doesn’t; matter if you’re RICH, a fighter pilot, or a police officer, a broker – IT HAPPENS TO MOST
This is why many guys go to bars and get drunk before having the COURAGE to approach women.
It’s easy to make EXCUSES not to APPROACH someone. But you have to get used to doing this,
ideally without alcohol.
There’s no way around this, but we will help you through the process.
First, I’ll tell you a bit about my personal history. Before I learned to approach, I BROKE UP with my
fiancé then I went out the club to find a new and hot woman.
But I was stunned. I don’t freaking know what I do. I was blank. I remember, I talked to a blond chick
but it ended up the conversation.
A few weeks later, I was out to try all materials I learned in BOOTCAMP with Mystery. I started to be
good at approaching. I can approach different sets or girls with guys. And it was smooth. They never
know that I was hitting on them.
What I realized was opening is a skill, not a personality test.
You as a person can no more be rejected by a woman during your opener than the game of
basketball could reject you because you missed a shot. Practice the shot – or the opener – and
you will succeed.
Go out somewhere where people don’t know you and use a ridiculous opener – one that you expect
would not work. Do it 10 times. You will not die. You will simply internalize into your brain the
relationship between a poor approach and its rejection.
And that’s the WORST that can happen to you.
Then learn to approach properly – through the Smooth Seduction, through 1 on1 Private Bootcamp
– and go through the learning process.
You know you can survive the worst-case scenario, and it’s only going to get better.
I’ll include a couple more tips for dealing with approach anxiety.

Think of your first couple approaches in a night as “warm ups”. Most people generally need to ease
into the process of being social with strangers.
Create incentives. Very few people like approaching. Some people set targets of a certain number of
approaches per day or per week. Others take it a step further and create systems to reward
themselves if they succeed or punish themselves if they fail.
For example, you could go out with a friend and give him P200 and have him pay you P20 every
time you opened someone new. Or tell your friend not to drive you home until you’ve approached 10
new groups.
Set a goal for yourself. I tell guys who train with me to approach at least five women or groups whom
they don’t know every day. Getting into those kinds of habits breeds skill – and results.
One final warning – opinion openers are good for nighttime venues where you don’t have much of a
connection with a woman or she’s a total stranger.
They are not the best way to start a conversion with a woman at the mall or a coffee shop, at a party
where everyone knows someone in common, or at work. These are different social contexts and we
explain how these work in Smooth Seduction.


Here’s Something You’ll REALLY Like!
I’ve created an Advanced Training Ebook for you and I’d like you to have it, FREE.
It will help you to approach any woman you want.
and it will give you lines that you can say when talking to women.
Here’s How To Get This, FREE.
Just enter your name and tell me where to send everything and it’s yours.
Like I said, there’s no cost.
Good luck,
P.s. Once you enter your name, email and contact number. We will give you FREE 1 Hour

Add me on Instagram: Smooth_pua
Subscribe on Youtube: Pua Academy

PuaAcademy CEO

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