Infield Decoded Elite


This is the most comprehensive, most in-depth, and detailed training I’ve ever created about Approaching Women, Building Comfort, and Getting their Number.

Inside Infield Decoded, you’ll also see me:

  • Break down 25+ hours of footage of my students…
  • Give you a play-by-play analysis on what to do, what to say, and what to avoid…
  • Provide examples of openers, one-liners, and witty replies to get her interested…





Here’s what you’ll receive…

  • Module #1: 20+ Hours Infield Breakdown
  • Module #2: My Step-by-Step Pattern for Approaching Women
  • Module #3: How to Master Approaching, Number Closing, Seduction, and Dating
  • 7 Bonus Videos: Solid Examples on How to Approach
  • Executive Coaches Advanced Training Lessons Compilation of Scripts
  • Compilation of Openers
  • 8-Weeks Live Online Coaching Session
  • Private Lounge Access
  • FREE Access to Smooth Coaching Annual Summit – July 11, 2020
  • 20% Discount on Other Products