We welcome you to the “Summit 2018”, the most awaited event of the year. Smooth, along with top 3 dating coaches in Asia, have been traveling around the globe and teaching men about dating, pickup, relationships and lifestyle.




Pickup, just like any other art, can be learned and polished over time. With the highly experienced mentors, learning effective techniques and actionable steps, you can fast forward the process of attracting gorgeous women by 50x.
If you are beginner, intermediate or even an advanced guy in the area of pickup and seduction, we have got you covered in the Summit 2018.
In this 2 day Workshop, you can expect to learn –
•Actionable secrets on “How To Approach Women” 
•Keep an interesting CONVERSATION & never run out of things to say 
•How to turn conversations into getting numbers and dates 
•Art of Getting a GIRLFRIEND & Keeping a GIRLFRIEND 
•How to DATE multiple WOMEN at the same time with ease 
•Build a CONFIDENT personality around all types of incredible WOMEN 
•Build a High Quality SOCIAL CIRCLE with Powerful men & Gorgeous girls 
•Structured Process – From saying “hi” to taking her wherever you want 
•Online Dating – How to become a PRO on Tinder and Facebook 
•Avoid the trap of FRIENDZONE & psychology to LEAD women
•Breaking the COMFORT ZONE and living like a SUCCESSFUL Alpha-Male 
…….and much more
You will get aware of the mistakes you have been committing that ceased your desired results in the area of dating and relationships.
BONUSES for the attendees:
1. Tons of In-Field footage that took us hundreds of hours, effort and risk to shoot ( MEGA VALUE) 
2. 1 Year Pass with Any PUA Academy Instructors. This will help you become a PRO with girls in real life 
3. FREE Premium Upgrade for “The Cure”. It’s the best program that teaches “How To Attract & Meet WOMEN online” 
4. FREE 1 Hour Online Coaching with Smooth, CEO of PUA Academy (SUPER VALUE) 
and lastly,
5. 50% Discount in SUPERCONFERENCE 2018 in December 
If you are motivated to 10x your life with WOMEN, breathtaking experiences and become a LEADER, come aboard with us.
Event Details:
Name: Summit 2018
Hosted By: PUA Academy (
Date: 14-15 July, 2018/
Venue: Metro Manila, Philippines ( Exact Venue will be confirmed to attendees)
Other Payment Methods:
Bank Deposit (Cash or Online Transfer Only)
Bank: Banco De Oro (BDO)
Account Name: Hussein A. Meneses
Account Number: 0011 6028 6998
If you also have a BDO account and registered in BDO Online you can use (left side menu) Send Money -> Send Money to any BDO account
Bank Deposit (Cash or Online Transfer Only)
Bank: Bank of Philippine Islands (BPI)
Account Name: Cristian James Ymbang
Account Number: 0039 2011 94
If you have a BPI app and registered in “Transfer to Anyone” service you can transfer funds online to any BPI account eMoney (Cash Only)
Account number: 09982438675
You can go to any 711 store and use their CLIQQ Kiosk or use the CLIQQ app to load to coins.p