
Spoken Truth: Women Like Men Who Take Risks

Most times you think that if you do something or if you act on something you might mess up and drive the girl you like away like If you like a girl, you need to really think through how you will act around her.
If you’re careful enough, then you’ll be less likely to make mistakes that could upset her, thats wrong. If you do overly nice favours for her, you seem boring because you’re placing her on a pedestal just like every other guy does and you’re no challenge to her.

Truth is, women like men who take risks. Most of them are attracted to those who know what they like and stand their ground. As long as you can gage the moment and the timing is right, you should be the man who takes a risk. If you won’t take a risk, say, on holding her hand when you feel that she already wants something physical going on, how can your interaction move further?

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